Our Services

Strategic Financial Solutions for Family Wealth Management

Alpha Wealth Strategies is a registered investment advisory firm headquartered in beautiful Cypress, Texas. We provide fee-only investment consulting and financial advice. Independent from product sales and brokerage firms, Alpha Wealth Strategies avoids many conflicts of interest by working solely for you. We receive no compensation from third parties such as mutual fund or insurance companies, and we do not sell any financial products.

We work with successful people who have accumulated wealth and are interested in tried and true strategies for investing to preserve what they have accumulated. A minimum asset level of $5 million is required. Alpha Wealth Strategies' clients work directly with the owner/founder, as well as the entire team. The firm's services are geared toward the knowledgeable, experienced investor who can appreciate the time tested approach of long term, strategic asset allocation and a manager selection process employed by institutional investors. A prudent and well defined process is followed to ensure that uncompensated risks are avoided and optimal returns relative to the risk accepted in the portfolio strategy are achieved over time.

Financial objectives may include:

  • Preserving personal wealth for yourself, your spouse and heirs
  • Establishing planned giving strategies and creating charitable legacies
  • Increasing peace of mind through the knowledge you are following a prudent, time-tested process for financial success
  • Maximizing wealth transfers during your lifetime and at your death
  • Minimizing the risk of financial catastrophe
  • Protecting against inflation and imprudent investment strategies
  • Reducing income tax burdens through tax sensitive investment strategies
  • Establishing a cash flow strategy that fits within the context of your family's overall wealth goal